Pre-Departure Planning Class DVD


Item: T3013R

Developing a pre-departure checklist customized for your rig and your RVing lifestyle can be an overwhelming task.

For most, the checklist is a work-in-progress as we continually add equipment and options to our rig and accessories. Even so, it’s important to have a plan and a checklist – and not leave buttoning up your rig for a trip to memory!

Just like a pilot flying a simple single engine plane, an RV owner needs to verify everything is put away, compartments are shut and locked, and everything necessary for lights and signals is connected. Using a thorough checklist and preparation process will ensure you don’t forget anything and don’t do any damage down the road.

For the truck and trailer owner, a good checklist will start with the tow vehicle – verifying all fluid levels are correct, belts are in good condition, trailer connections are verified with safety chains, wiring harness, and breakaway cables are hooked up properly and not dragging or binding.

For the motorhome owner, the checklist will also start with the engine compartment, verifying fluid levels and belt condition.

Both trailer and motorized prep will continue with a walk around the side, back, behind, and other side to verify all lawn chairs and other accessories are properly stored, and compartment doors are shut and locked if desired. An open compartment door going down the road will not only allow items to fall out, but could also do damage swinging open and shut.

Continuing along the side, verify all slide rooms are retracted, sewer, electric and water connections unhooked and properly stored. Ensure antennas down, steps in, and windows closed. Snagging a TV antenna on a limb will not only do damage to the rig, but is pretty embarrassing as well.