Dave Solberg

Cable Clamp Options for Better RV Organization

Dave Solberg
Duration:   3  mins


It can be a real hassle to keep cables and cords in proper order while traveling the country in your RV. Honestly, who has the patience for unruly generator hookups? Luckily, expert Dave Solberg has a few cable clamp options that will help you to quickly declutter your storage space! In this free lesson, Dave introduces multiple inexpensive products you can add to your organization arsenal. With these simple tools, you can worry less about where things are and get back to enjoying your time on the road!

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2 Responses to “Cable Clamp Options for Better RV Organization”

  1. Carla Flaim

    velcro strips work great too

  2. Jerry

    Can’t find claps at Home Depot. Do you have a name for those clamps?

One of the challenges For all RV er's is they're going down the road and their packing and unpacking getting ready, is what to do with this massive pile of cables, co-ax, uh extension cords hoses like this. It usually sits in uh, in a compartment on top of each other and we have to unstack it. And I always seem to need the bottom one. So I've got a handy set of connectors here that can kind of help organize each one of these. Now the simplest one, I've got a good friend that's an electrician, he just goes down to the tire store, gets an old blown out inner tube, cuts little strips, like this, and then he can take and pull up, let's say we've got a hose here, This happens to be a freshwater hose.

So to keep that organized literally bring it over, pull it up. I can keep it nice and tight, and then I can put little clips or hooks inside my compartment and hang them around the top of it. That way they're not laying on the ground all the time. Well, some of the people with expensive fifth wheels and a diesel pusher say, well, I don't want something free. So, we're going to look at a couple other options.

This one is our cable, pull that off here. Now most of your home improvement stores will sell us different variety of clamps. We've got the smaller ones like this one here. This is real good for very small items. I can just pull up inside there and keep it nice and tight.

Now the downside of this one is that it does not have any kind of hole so it's a lot lot harder to hang it but if you've got something that you're using, you're laying it down. You know the larger piece like this, the nice part about this is when you clamp your cables on it gives you a handle that you can carry it with. If you don't want to hang it, you just carry it over. Nice, easy, open up as well. This one I like because it does have the hole.

So if I'm going to take my clamp here. I'm gonna bring it back up. You see how it already starts to unravel? Take my clamp. Now this does come in smaller sizes too, so I would get the smaller one.

This one is great for the long hoses, your extension cord for your motor home, your larger 30 amp cord, it's going to take a bigger one but it also has the hole up here in the top. So I can literally hang this around the inside. And then the last little piece handy just to carry these they've kind of got a wire inside. So if I want to hang something off to the side keep it out of the way, I can pull it up like this and then I can bring it down to the side. Pull it up and just hang it anywhere.

That allows me to put cables, pull something away. If I have a hose that I don't want hanging close to the electrical side, I can bring it over and just do a quick wrap. All these can be found at your home repair facilities, your Lowe's home depots that type of stuff, very inexpensive. And it's a great way to help organize your compartments, your cords, and get things out of the way.

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