Dave Solberg

Wingman Boosts the Reach of Your RV TV Antenna

Dave Solberg
Duration:   1  mins


With the advent of new technologies like HDTV and digital TV, RVers often ask whether they need a new RV TV antenna. This informative video introduces the easy-to-install Wingman booster that effectively increases your range and reception, eliminating the need to invest in another RV TV antenna.

The video asks you to analyze how much TV you really watch while you’re on the road. If you’re like many RVers, you’re outside most of the day – either exploring your surroundings, picnicking with friends or relaxing on a lounge chair with a cold drink. At night, you might watch TV to catch up on the news, watch a show or check on road conditions.

Also like many RVers, you’d like to increase your range without replacing your RV TV antenna. That’s where the Wingman booster comes in. This simple unit optimizes digital and HD programming, and it’s long lasting thanks to its powder-coated elements that hold up well in harsh weather.

Another huge plus: The Wingman RV TV antenna booster is a snap to install. You just go up on the roof of your RV and screw it on to your existing antenna. RVers who use the Wingman report that installation only takes a few minutes.

If you’re looking for an affordable alternative to an RV TV antenna, watch this video to learn about an amazing booster that increases both your reception and the numbers of channels you get.

Even if you only watch a little TV at night, you want a clear picture and a variety of shows. After viewing this short presentation, you’ll realize how simple it is to add the Wingman RV TV antenna booster and enjoy the viewing options you want when you travel.

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4 Responses to “Wingman Boosts the Reach of Your RV TV Antenna”

  1. Ernestina Sedillo

    How do you replace the quad rings on a rv tv antenna the old batman attena on a 2005 prowler regal 330fks

  2. David

    How about a Amazon link to purchase. The link could generate TV Repair Club revenue.

  3. David

    I'd like to see before and after videos demoing the improvement. In addition a step by step guide of the installation.

  4. George Daunis

    Hi I have a question, when you add the wingman do you point the tail toward the signal antenas or 180' away from the signal antenas. In other words which end do you point towards the signal.

With the advent of digital TV signals, HD TV, and even flat screen TVs, I get the question a lot. Do I need a new antenna? For years, we've been rolling down the road with that batwing antenna, and getting good reception out of that. We don't have to change that antenna. That antenna will still work.

The difference between the digital signal of today and the analog is that, digital requires full signal strength to come in to get a picture. If it's the analog, we can change the direction of the antenna a little bit. We can get that snowy picture, kind of a half pictures, so we can get a little further reach sometimes with that. You can use this new Wingman. Winegard has put basically, an accessory to this.

You got to ask yourself, how much TV do you really watch? When I'm about RVing, I spent most of my time outside. I'm sightseeing. I'm out in the underneath the patio, and so forth. But, at night, I still wanna see about news, emergency situations, maybe the weather.

So, I would like to extend it a little bit, and this is a great option. It's very inexpensive. I don't have to replace the antenna. I don't have to worry about what I'm gonna do with the dial on the inside of it. I don't have changed coaxial cable.

Simply go up to the roof. Take apart the base, thus, it's cradled right inside of it. So very easy to do, very inexpensive. So again, how much TV you're really going to watch? This is a great product to extend your reach, and not cost you a lot of money.

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