Dave Solberg

The Reliable Cell Phone Amplifier: weBoost RV Cellular Signal Booster

Dave Solberg
Duration:   2  mins


While cellular coverage in city limits has become increasingly available at faster speeds and more reliable service, urban connectivity remains relatively spotty throughout the United States. Whether you’re trying to connect while on the road or parked at a campground, it’s kind of a cell phone crapshoot out there. Luckily, providers such as weBoost offer a certain type of cell phone amplifier that dependably works in some of the most remote parts of the country.

In this free video lesson, RV maintenance and repair expert Dave Solberg teaches you about the weBoost RV Cellular Signal Booster. He explains how it works and what you need to do to install it properly, and then talks about the benefits of this sort of cell phone amplifier.

How a cell phone amplifier works of your RV

The technology is fairly simple to understand, and its operation is totally stress-free. Basically, the weBoost RV Cellular Signal Booster receives the cell signal that’s available where you are. Maybe it’s two bars, possibly three, but oftentimes when boondocking or at a busy campground you’ll have a whiff of one bar. The cell phone amplifier takes that signal and redirects it, boosting it so you and your loved ones can experience fewer dropped calls, better voice quality, faster network speeds, and improved audio and video streaming.

Installation methods

Once you understand how it works and what it’s capable of providing, you’ll need to know how to install your cell phone amplifier for optimal signal boosting. Dave walks you through each of the mounting devices and explains how each operates. The ideal mounting method will depend on your vehicle’s specifications and your circumstances.

If you have a motor home that you plan to keep parked at a campground for extended periods, you might consider permanently mounting the booster on your vehicle’s roof. If you’re always en route and want to use the booster while on the move towing a trailer, you might temporarily mount the booster on your tow vehicle. No matter how you choose to mount and utilize the cell booster’s up to 32x-amplified cell signal, you’ll never go back to spotty service and frustrating call drops. Do yourself and your family a favor!

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2 Responses to “The Reliable Cell Phone Amplifier: weBoost RV Cellular Signal Booster”

  1. Mark Kochut

    So far I'm not impressed with the videos. This video is an overview of solutions, I'm looking for "How to". Demonstrations of a mounting of an antenna, planning the install, drilling the hole, sealing the hole, making all connections and testing the install.

  2. Philip Cobb

    Hate have to watch a commercial before a video, when I PAID for the subscription. If this continues I will cancel my membership.

When you go camping, especially in some of the remote campground areas, you might find some pretty weak cell phone signal. For example here, we're on the outside of town at a campground, and I've got three bars on here, which is decent, I can still get reception with that. Just recently, we were out in Death Valley, and of course in Death Valley, you have no cell phone reception at all. You have to use a satellite phone, but at the campground, we'd get about one bar and it was in and out a lot. So it would be nice to be able to boost that.

And there's a number of options that are out in the road. This happens to be RV Cellular Signal Booster, and it will do what they say, up to 32 times better cell coverage in it. And there's a couple of different antennas in here. First, this one here, you would permanently mount this on the top or on the side of an RV, running your coax cable into the inside to a booster that we see here. The outside antenna comes in here.

It does have a power cord that is required with this. Another option is this smaller one, which you would literally put on a vehicle and drill a hole in, or bring it in through the inside window or something like that inside to be able to boost cell phone signals inside. Now, if you wanna get really fancy and you're gonna be permanently camping at an area for a long period of time, you wanna put something up like a tower, a small tower, which weBoost also makes. And that would have more of a cone-shaped one. You could put a bracket on the backside of your RV and just take it in and out if you want, or you could put a plate on the bottom of it and slide the pole in there, and that plate, you would drive your wheel over it, and that would hold it in place.

That way, it gets up in the air and it gets a little better reception away from some of the trees, the other RVs out there. King Control makes another one as well. So you're starting to see a lot more cell boosters out there because we're getting out into farther remote places when we're camping away from the hustle and bustle of downtown, larger cities. But with that, we're losing some of the cell towers that are around in areas. And especially you have to look at your type of provider too.

Mine is pretty good in certain areas, but then I get out to the West Coast and it's not very good. So, you can boost the cell signal of your cell phone with a variety of different devices, and it's pretty easy to set up.

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