RV Refrigerator Troubleshooting: Checking the 12 Volt Battery
Dave SolbergDescription
If the refrigerator does not work when there is working 120 volt electricity and LP gas lines it might be necessary to conduct further RV refrigerator troubleshooting to find out the problem. Start by checking the 12 volt battery to ensure there is at least 10.5 volts of power available to operate the valves.
You will first want to use an ohmmeter to check the battery. Attach the meter’s probes to either side of the battery and to verify there is at least 10.5 volts of power. If there is enough power coming from the battery you will need to take your RV refrigerator troubleshooting to the inside of the RV.
While inside, your RV refrigerator troubleshooting will take you to the distribution center to look at the circuit breakers and 12 volt fuses. For more modern RVs, there will be a red light showing a fuse has blown. If there are no lights, use a multimeter to check the fuses. Find your ground source and check each fuse to find the nonworking one. While RV refrigerator troubleshooting you can also take each fuse out and put it in a continuity tester. Replace any bad or blown fuses.
Go back and check RV refrigerator. If it is still not working, check the control module. Look to see if the fuse is okay and check the continuity. If there is at least 10.5 volts coming into the module, your RV refrigerator troubleshooting may have to turn to looking at issues with the refrigerator unit itself. If necessary, a professional may need to be hired to come and look at and repair the unit.