Dave Solberg

The Wally Dish RV TV System by Pace: Mobile TV Any Way You Want It

Dave Solberg
Duration:   4  mins


It seems like ages since you had to get up on the roof of your RV and coax a finicky dish into giving you a decent TV signal. Gone are the days of the rabbit ears, the two channels, and the blackout during a moderate rain shower. With Wally and other such TV options, finding entertainment on your RV is as easy as point and click. In this quick video lesson, RV expert Dave Solberg teaches you how to take your RV TV system to the next level with Wally Dish TV from Pace International.

Upgrading your RV TV system: all the options you could ever need

Although most of us get into RVing because it feels right to shut off the gadgets and venture out, sometimes you like to have the option to turn on and veg out. Perhaps you’re stuck inside on a nasty-weather day, or you’re grilling out during a big game and you want the TV nearby in case the action gets good, or maybe you just need to entertain the kids for a while as you get dinner ready. Whatever your reasons, it’s nice to know you can have access to TV when you need it.

Enter Wally, the RV TV system that allows you to fully customize your viewing experience out on the road. With this all-in-one setup, there’s nothing you can’t watch on your TV. If you want the works, get a decked-out cable subscription with every channel. If you want a stripped down version so you can check in with the civilized world from time to time, that’s an option too. The Wally system also comes equipped with the various ports you need to plug in each of your favorite devices. HDMI, USB, Bluetooth, it’s all there should you choose to use it!

Best of all, it’s simple to hook up, adjust, and access, and you’ll never be required to sign a contract. If you’re hitting the road for a month and then putting your rig back in storage for the winter, you can have Wally for the month and no more. All you have to do is call and have it switched on and off. This really is the best option for RVers of all varieties, from those who want the basics so they can check local news and weather, to those who want the full package so they’re never disconnected. Get the RV TV system that’s right for you!

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I tell my granddaughters when I was young I used to get up and walk clear across the room just to change the two channels on my TV. Now there's so many options with satellite and receivers systems. You can buy just about anything roughing it out in the market. So what we've got here today is a really nice setup, a satellite receiver system from Pace International Distributors of the Winegard and the Dish Network and a variety of other products. And we've set up the playmaker outside, which is a portable antenna and you've got a lot of options on RVs today.

Most of your RV manufacturers are pre-wiring an RG6 cable up into the roof or you have it into the service center outside. So you could put a permanently mounted dish, you can put a permanently mounted dome, you can have a temporary or a portable dome, or dish that goes outside. And the nice thing about that in my opinion, with this playmaker that we've got just outside here, is that I can have my RV underneath a tree, in the shade, so I can keep it cooler, but yet I don't have a line of sight there and I can put the portable one out further and get my reception coming in for that. So the system we have set up here, we've got the Wally, which is a version of the Dish Network system. You may have a hopper at home.

The Wally's just a little more beefier for RVing. And the nice thing about the Dish product is, I don't have to do a two year contract, I don't have credit checks, I can do it month by month. So if I'm just RVing for six months at a time, I only have to get this month by month, or sometimes you just go by the weekends. So, it's nice to have the flexibility to turn it on and turn it off with no activation fee. So that's pretty, that's pretty special.

So here we have our Wally and we're going to connect this to our TV. We have a couple of options. First of all, we have the RCA cable. So you have video in, your two audio in here. We prefer to use the HDMI cable here.

So we're going to hook that up. Put that in here and then hook it up to our HDMI back here. There we go. And you can see the nice, crisp picture we have here. So we're going to show you a couple options.

Go to the home menu and you can see you've got dish network, On Demand, Netflix, The Weather Channel. It's kinda nice. You know, I don't watch a lot of TV when I go camping, but I like to know the weather in the local areas. The Weather Channel can do this. Now some other features that part of this, I can use my wifi connector here, so I can pop this into my Wally on the backside here, we have a couple USB ports and you see that it just popped up in adapter in here.

So this will allow me to do any of my subscription type programs. If you have Hulu or if you have Apple TV or a variety of those, you're able to connect a wifi source to that and be able to bring those in. So that's kinda neat. If I want to get local channels, then I just put in this antenna and this will hook either to my antenna up on my roof or if you have a portable antenna or the flat panel antenna that Wineguard sells, as well. And that'll get you your local channels that you can incorporate right into the menu and the guide of your Wally in here.

And then if you want to use it as a DVR, record shows while you're out sight seeing or hiking, you can do this and then record programs or bring programs from prerecorded sessions that you've done earlier and bring them out. So if you've got a rainy day like today, and you're kind of stuck inside your camper then you've got some stuff for you and the kids to do. And then the last thing here is a Bluetooth connectivity. And it's just a small little USB port that pops in and it will allow you to use ear buds or wireless Bluetooth headphones in there. So you're not blaring out everybody in the campground.

So a lot of adaptability, a lot of accessories you can make this a lot of fun. You get a variety of different programs out so you can really rough it on the road.

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