How to Stay Organized in the Car
Jason & Lisa McEwenDescription
What does your SUV look like by the time you get to the campsite? It can be a hot mess.
Kids can destroy the backseat with toys, tablets, and snack wrappers and the front seat may not be much better. You can embrace the chaos or you can try to get a little organized.
If you would like to keep your SUV or truck tidier on your next road trip, here are some things you can do to keep things in their place:
Take trash bags
There’s always trash, so take a handful of bags on every trip. Tuck them right inside the door so you know where they are.
Keep valuables in the same spot
Get into the habit of keeping your valuables in one spot. It can be the glove box or the middle console. Put your wallet, sunglasses, phone, and other stuff in the same place each time.
You’ll not only stay organized, but you’ll keep those items out of sight.
Use back seat organizers
You can get back seat organizers from Amazon that strap right to the seat. Some have a spot for kid’s tablets, drinks, and snacks.
Create an entertainment bag
You can put together an entertainment bag for the kids.There are all types of cool things you can tuck in the bag to keep kids occupied on car rides. The idea behind this bag is to give all of their things a place to live while we’re on the road.
Pack coolers
It’s good to take a cooler on the road. One can sit on the floor in the back seat. Fill it with drinks because paying $3 for a water or soda at a gas station can add up. You can even toss a few sandwiches in there for lunch.
Do you have to pack a meal? No, but it’s cheaper and healthier to pack your own. Plus, you don’t have to wait at a fast food spot for your meal.
Try a luggage bag
For longer trips, bring a roof bag. You can spend around $60 on a bag. It’s a real space saver when you need to take the extras involved in bigger trips. It gives you some more room inside your SUV too.
Hopefully these hacks will help you stay a little more organized in your SUV or truck.
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Hello, everybody. I'm Lisa McEwen. I have a question for you. What does your SUV or truck look like by the time you make it to a campsite? If it's anything like ours, it's probably a hot mess.
The kids have torn apart the backseat with their toys and snack wrappers and tablets. Frankly, the front seat where I'm sitting doesn't look much better either. I could just embrace the chaos, but in truth, I like to keep things just a little more organized. So if you are like me and wanna try to keep it a little tidier inside your SUV or truck, here are some tips to keep everything in its place on your journey. For starters, there's always trash.
So I have a handful of bags with me on every trip. I usually tuck them right inside my door, so I know where they're at. We get into the habit of keeping our valuables in one spot, be it the glove box or the middle of the console. We put our wallet, sunglasses, phone, stuff like that in the same spot each time. That way, we're not only organized, but we're also keeping those items out of sight.
I recently purchased these organizers on Amazon that strap right to the seat. This has a spot for their tablets, drinks. I usually put some snacks in these pockets and even some wet wipes too. There are even extra pockets. So if the kids wanna add their favorite Barbie or doll, they can simply slide them into one of the extra spots.
I also put together an entertainment bag for the girls. In another video, I actually go over all of the cool things that I tuck inside this bag to keep the girls occupied on car rides. But the idea behind this bag is to give all of their things a place to live while we're on the road. It's usually sitting right in the middle of the backseat so they can help themselves to whatever they wanna play with. When we travel, we usually have a couple of different coolers with us.
This size is really great for staying on the backseat, right on the floor. We usually fill it up with drinks. That way, I can access it when everyone is thirsty, and it means, we don't have to spend 2 and $3 per drink when we stop at a travel center. I also usually have one of these soft shell coolers with me. What I'm putting inside there is usually the meals that we need for the day, be it lunch or dinner.
Now, do I have to pack those meals? No, not necessarily, but I do find that when I put the meals inside here and they're packed and ready to go, we eat a little healthier and we can save a few bucks. For our longer trips, we also bought a roof bag. There are a ton of these on Amazon to choose from. I think we paid around $60 for this one.
And it's a real space saver when you're taking those longer trips and need a little extra space. You might be wondering, is this waterproof? Yes, we've actually used it several times and driven through heavy downpours and everything stayed nice and dry. That's a look at how we try to keep things organized inside the SUV. It's not exactly a foolproof plan, but it does help.
Hopefully, you can pull some inspiration from my ideas. Until next time.
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