Overview of Propane Used in RV Propane Tanks
Dave SolbergDescription
It is arguably one of the most important systems used in the RVing world. It is non-toxic, colorless, and odorless (until that rotten egg-like odor is added for our safety). You guessed it – we are talking about Propane, or liquefied petroleum gas (LP-Gas). Why is it such an important part of RVing? Propane from our RV Propane tanks can provide hot water, a refrigerator for our food and beverages, and possibly some warm air to heat an RV in colder temperatures.
RV propane tanks can provide all of this and more to ensure our comfort and safety when travelling and living in our RVs! Propane is widely available at many locations, and is starting to be more readily available at fuel stops, and even several large hardware stores. Although propane is becoming more easily accessible, make sure you are still looking for a certified technician to put your propane in. This is important to confirm your safety and the safety of your loved ones when living in your RV.
Learn more about some of these unique characteristics of propane, and get a quick rundown on some other important facts about the propane used in our RV propane tanks in this educational RV video.
Propane, or liquified petroleum gas, is commonly referred to as LP gas, and it supplies about 4% of the energy used in the United States. In our RVs we use it in the stove, we use it in the stove top, the oven, the water heater, the heater inside as well. Now, propane is available throughout the United States at certified filling stations. We're seeing it more at fuel stops, such as the larger diesel fuel stops, the Flying J's, the Pilots. You can also get it at several of the hardware stores.
Make sure you look for a qualified and certified propane technician to put your propane in.
Where’s the rest of this video? 52 seconds on LP? C’mon guys. It took me longer to turn on my iPad.
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