Tips and Precautions for RVing with Pets
Dave SolbergDescription
RVing with Pets: The Process Made Easy
To help you ensure a safe and happy road trip with your dogs, cats or other animals, RVing expert Dave Solberg walks you through a quick checklist of pre-drive precautions and simple tips for RVing with pets. He explains why it’s important to guarantee you’ve stored enough of your pets’ favorite food and preferred drinking water, what you should do if you plan to use pet runs at rest stops and visitors centers, and how to keep your pets away from toxic fluids at campgrounds and dump stations. Plan properly prior to hitting the road, and you’re set for countless memories with the little sidekicks!
Over 75% of RV owners take pets when they go on the road. In fact, that's why they bought an RV, so they can take their pet when they couldn't at a hotel. Now we did have one of the members write in and say, "What precautions do I need to take when taking a pet on the road?" The first thing you want to do is make sure you've got the proper food and water. Some of your pets are very particular about the food they have and you get into a remote location or a different city. You may not be able to find that same food, getting a different brand that may cause some some problems with indigestion.
They may not like the well water, that would be in campgrounds. So you do, I have to take a specific bottled water or that. So you've got to be prepared for that. Now, one of the things you see a lot of your fuel stops and rest stops are putting in pet runs, ask how sanitary those pet runs are. If they're not kept up, if they could have parvo, if they don't clean them up, they don't sanitize them.
I don't take my pet when I go on the road into those areas. I also want to be careful at the campground that there's no liquids around from engine fluids, antifreeze, transmission fluid that type of stuff that would be leaking into a spot where my pet could go into the next spot. That could be very dangerous. Also keep them away from any campfires that have been doused, that could be chemicals in those and then specifically, keep them away from the dump station. So, little bit of precautions, understanding wear to keep your pets away from.
You'll have a much more enjoyable time with your pet out in the road.
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