Slide Room Troubleshoot: Identifying Your RV Slide Out Mechanism
Dave SolbergDescription
In this lesson, Dave Solberg introduces some of the most common kinds of slide room mechanisms and discusses the importance of going into a troubleshoot with all the right information. With Dave’s help, your room will be extending and retracting like normal in no time flat!
Before troubleshooting, the first step in any slide room, is to identify the type of slide and the mechanism, the most popular slides in the market today are made by Lippert components. And they've got a variety of different ones. This happens to be the, in the frame slide. It's a larger hydraulic slide room that has the rams underneath. They also make a slide room that goes through the rails, a smaller one electric slide, an in-wall slide.
They also own the Schwinn tech slide, which is the bedroom slide. Typically in a lot of units that would have a rail with teeth in a motor that's running across it, just recently they bought power gear, which was a slide room that has been out in the market for many, many years. HWH makes a hydraulic slide that was used a lot in the late nineties, early two thousands, still used a little bit. They have a version that is the two rails underneath the large couch in dinette slide, or a single rail used for their bedroom slides. This happens to be a slide room that a lot of manufacturers use in like a wardrobe or smaller bedroom areas.
It's called Acue slide it's with a cable system and this is going to run off the electric motor on the inside. So it's important to, to identify the type of slide is that a hydraulic is electric. What components are suspect to troubleshooting or to failure in those. That'll make it a lot easier to diagnose and hopefully fix your slide room.
I have a 2000 Coachman Catalina 5th wheel with a RBW Industries INC Gear Rack Slide Out that I just noticed the slide out is not even as in it is fully extended where the couch is but where the table is that is where it is sliding back into the living area. I have the original owner's manual and have gone over it time and time again and cannot for the life of me understand how and where to go for the manual override, I have a feeling that it being uneven is the reason for the roof leaking in the same area after I have sealed the roof on said area with RV sealant as well as with roof patch and tar and it still leaks. I did recently make sure it was level and not higher on one side then the other. I live in the camper full time with my daughters and could use some help to get this taken care of and sealed with adjustments. The switch is not working either I tried that first. I am hooked to constant 120 on the meter box if that helps, there is no reason for the batteries to be drained however I have hooked up a charger/maintainer in case that was the issue. I can't get the crank shaft that's accessible from the outside of the frame in my unit over by the water heater access and furnace access, it will rotate 2-3 times and then nothing, but it doesn't seem that it is moving the slide out any. I am trying to do this on without asking for help so I am doing it as fast as I can and getting frustrated at it which I know does me no good. This is why I joined the site it was originally to work on the water heater which I have done so successfully as well as I have run some of the electrical but am feeling defeated. Please can you help walk me through what and where I need to go to get this done, I don't have a truck to pull the 5th wheel to a shop either so that is out of the question since it is permanently on my lot. Thank you so much
2005 Fleetwood discovery 38U slide rooms do not function
I have a 2018 Forest River 2506S and the slide out just stopped working and I can't find any information on it. When I press the toggle switch there is nothing happening sp I checked and there is no power to any of the 4 wires on the back of the switch. Everything else works fine and battery is fully charged. I don't even see where to use the manual crank?
2004 Winnebago Journey two slides. Neither slide will move all of sudden. Not sure how to trouble shoot this ?
I have a 2005 Holiday Rambler Vacationer. The converter is not working and now the slides will not pull in when I start it. Any suggestions of what to check?
Let's start
I have a 2004 36' Monaco La Palma with 2 slides. The main slide will retract all the way, but after driving a short distance the lower edge will open up about an inch and a half while the top is all the way in. Can I adjust this or do I have to take it in to a shop?
reasearching info on slideouts
Where do i find slide out motor on a 2008 kodiak travel trailor
How do I identify the manufacturer of my Alpine Avalanche slide out mechanism?